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The SEO KingListing Details
Title: Alive Organizer
Category:Computers & Internet: Software
Description:Alive Organizer is a powerful system allowing you to manage your personal information. Alive Organizer allows you to effectively schedule tasks, make records in your address book, create notes, write and publish your personal blog. With Alive Organizer, you can easily generate your personal schedule for any date, get timely reminders about birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.
Meta Keywords:Alive Organizer,Software,Vitolab Software
Meta Description:Alive Organizer is a powerful system allowing you to manage your personal information. Alive Organizer allows you to effectively schedule tasks, make records in your address book, create notes, write and publish your personal blog. With Alive Organizer, you can easily generate your personal schedule for any date, get timely reminders about birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.
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