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The SEO KingListing Details
Title: FlexLabel
Category:Computers & Internet: Software
Description:FlexLabel is an enhanced label control...way enhanced! You have complete control over everything including font, alignment, mouse-over effect, and angle of text, plus the best functionality is that it will automatically create a hyperlink based off of simple property settings. You can control whether a mouse click will link to email, a website, an FTP site, or user customizable link.
Meta Keywords:FlexLabel,Software,Brew City Software
Meta Description:FlexLabel is an enhanced label control...way enhanced! You have complete control over everything including font, alignment, mouse-over effect, and angle of text, plus the best functionality is that it will automatically create a hyperlink based off of simple property settings. You can control whether a mouse click will link to email, a website, an FTP site, or user customizable link.
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