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The SEO KingListing Details
Title: Windows XP How To
Category:Computers & Internet: Software
Description:A Windows XP how to website covering Windows XP introduction and installation to computer shopping to learning about hardware, software, and Windows Office applications including Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, FrontPage, etc. Given this knowledge you’ll be able to make intelligent decisions to purchase, operate, and use the computer for the purpose you intended and spend less time not knowing what to do when a problem comes up.
Meta Keywords:Windows XP How To,Software,Flynn Wood
Meta Description:A Windows XP how to website covering Windows XP introduction and installation to computer shopping to learning about hardware, software, and Windows Office applications including Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, FrontPage, etc. Given this knowledge you’ll be able to make intelligent decisions to purchase, operate, and use the computer for the purpose you intended and spend less time not knowing what to do when a problem comes up.
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