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The SEO KingListing Details
Title: Learn to back up data safely with BackUp Maker
Category:Computers & Internet: Software
Description:No one should ever underestimate the importance of keeping their essential files safe and this website, home to BackUp Maker, provides everything that you need to get started. The site provides an overview of the backup and synchronization tool as well as a download link for the standard version (available for private use), online purchase for the Professional edition, screenshots and a list of features and guides.
Meta Keywords:backup maker, Backup, Restore, Save, Automatically, CD, ROM, RW, DVD, RAM, Write, Burn, ZIP, PKZip
Meta Description:Learn more about backing up your files securely at this site. This page is home to BackUp Maker, a complete solution for backing up your files. It includes an automatic task scheduler, support for compressed and encrypted files and much more.
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